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in the water mostly in the pacific and Atlantic

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Christop Hodkiewicz

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1y ago
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i have no idea. you tell me

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Q: What is native habitat?
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What sort of habitat do native birds live in?

The habitat of a native bird is the type of environment it is in at the time

Where is the Blue Spruce's native habitat?

They are native to New Mexico

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How do you create a native Bird habitat in a forest?

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their habitat is in the desert or tropical place

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It is native to Africa in the Savanna

How beavers are in the US?

It is part of their native habitat.

What are animals native to habitat in Panama?

sloth and deer

What is the habitat of the black forest scorpion?

The Asian forest scorpion's native habitat ranges from India to Malaysia.

What does native mean in Native American?

This means that native Americans live here and are not from somewhere else. Like a native habitat which is a place where something is a home.

What is a platypuses native habitat?

yourmums fat asss hole