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Q: What is inhabitants of a specific area?
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What is the Inhabitants of a specific area?


What are inhabitants?

An inhabitant is someone or something which lives in a place.

A state is a group of people living in a specific area.?

Specie is a group of similar individuals that live together in an area.

What are Inhabitants best described as?

Inhabitants are individuals or organisms that live in a specific place or region. They can be human beings, animals, plants, or other living creatures that reside in a particular area.

What are animal inhabitants?

Animal inhabitants refer to the various living creatures that occupy a particular ecosystem or habitat. These include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates found in a specific area. Each animal plays a unique role in the ecosystem, interacting with other inhabitants and the environment.

What is meant by inhabitants in an ecosystem?

Inhabitants in an ecosystem are all the living organisms present in a specific area, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. These inhabitants interact with each other and with the abiotic environment to form a complex web of relationships that contribute to the overall functioning of the ecosystem.

What does 'first inhabitants' mean?

'First inhabitants' refers to the initial people or communities to populate a specific area or region. This term is commonly used to describe the original or indigenous peoples who lived in a place before later migrations or settlements occurred.

Is Mesopotamia the name of an area or a civilization?

Mesopotamia is the name of the area that the land's first inhabitants controlled, but not the civilizations. So9me of the inhabitants were the Akkadians, the Sumerians and the Babylonians

Who was the frist inhabitants in kentucky?

The original inhabitants in the area now called Kentucky, were Native American Tribes.

Are original inhabitants of an area are reffered to as the indigenous people?


Are original inhabitants an area are reffered to as the indigenous people?


In geography what is the measure of the number of people or other life forms in a specific area?

The measure of the number of people or other life forms in a specific area is called population density. It is usually expressed as the number of individuals per unit area, such as per square kilometer or square mile. Population density helps geographers understand how crowded or sparse an area is in terms of human or animal inhabitants.