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Herbivorous means plant-eater.

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Q: What is herbivorus?
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What does herbivorus mean?

An animal that eats plants (not meat).

What are herbivorus mammals?

They are mammals that only eat plants.

What reef animals only eat plants?

Herbivorus... Ojas..

What are organims that eat plants called?

An omnivore for example human or bear

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To which order yak belongs herbivorus carnivorus?

The Yak is a herbivore eating grasses, mosses and lichen

Are gorillas herbovores?

Mosstly , most subspecies of Gorillas are herbivorus , only two sub species are reported to eat insects also .

Which animal is Herbivorus animal found in South America and Africa that looks like a buffalo?

That is an watuzi. It`s called longhorns in south america.

Elephants belongs to herbivorus or carnivorus?

Elephants are herbivorous. But like most of the mammals they do clean up the placenta and amniotic membrane of their newborn.

What are some useful effects of bacteria?

bacteria as many useful effects like it is used in the agriculture it is used in medicine to manufacture antibiotic some bacteria are live in alimentary canal to produce enzyme like CELLULASE to digest cellulose in herbivorus