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Only about 10% is passed from level to level. In this case it is 10% of 1500 calories or 150 calories. This the reason why there has to be many, many producers and why there are only a few consumers. And why you will only see a few eagles or wolves at the very top of the pyramid.

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Q: What is flow the energy to a third -level consumer if the producer provides 1500 calories of energy to the first-level consumer?
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Producers make organic food molecules from Co2, H2Om and other inorganic raw materials. Consumers obtain their food by eating plants or animals that have eaten plants. Between the two, I'd say Producer. This is like asking if a combustion engine is a producer or consumer, it's very illogical.watevalol In ecology a producer is a photosynthetic green plant or chemosynthetic bacterium, constituting the first trophic level in a food chain; an autotrophic organism. So the sun is not a producer in ecological terms.

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