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The term felacio has its origin from its namesake, Isabella Andolini Felacio, a Venetian courtesan (prostitute), who was made famous for her refusal to dishonor her Catholic faith by engaging in intercourse with men and instead would entertain her customers by performing oral sex. She was so talented that the eighteenth Doge (chief magistrate) of Venice, Giovanni Cocci, became on of her leading customers. It was Felacio's refusal to engage in intercourse with Doge Cocci that caused him to attempt to murder his wife to please Felacio. Doge Cocci was eventually exiled after being found guilty of public corruption and attempted murder, amongst other things. Felacio refused Doge Cocci's request to be in exile with him on the island of Capri which earned her the title of Tormentare di Cocci which translates into the teaser of Cocci.

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its a namesake

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This is probably part of a sentence that probably is intended "Mother too" but it also could me a lot of other things depending on the context.The word también means "also" or "too"The word Mamá (NOUN) (accent over the second a)means mother or mom.The word Mama (NOUN) (no accent) can be an endearing nick-name for a mother, grandmother or nanny. It can also be used by teens or men towards women as a "cat-call" in both endearing and not-so-endearing ways.The word Mama (Verb) (no accent) can also be a verb meaning to suckle like a baby on a breast or to suck on a bottle. It is also used in some areas, especially Puerto Rico as a euphemism when asking for falacio.