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Q: What is dirt or rock removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in strip mining dredging or construction called?
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What is called when dirt or rock is removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in strip mining dredging or construction?


What is dirt or rock removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in strip-mining dredging or construction called?

This process is called soil erosion. It occurs when soil or rock is removed from its original location through activities like strip-mining, dredging, or construction, leading to a disruption in the composition of the soil.

What is dirt or rock removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in strip-mining dredging or construction called hazardous waste?


What is dirt or rock removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in strip mining dredging or construction called hazardous waste?


What is dirt or rock removed from its original location destroying the composition of the soil in the process as in trip mining derdging or construction called?

The process of removing dirt or rock from its original location, which destroys the composition of the soil, is called "excavation." This activity can disrupt natural ecosystems, create erosion problems, and lead to loss of habitat for plants and animals. Proper planning and mitigation measures are essential to minimize the environmental impact of excavation activities.

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Site location is where the job is. If you deliver material to a construction site - that is site location ..................

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Mostly Silica (SiO2) in the form of quartz. The rest of the composition varies greatly depending on climate and location.

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Depends on type of construction, location, materials used etc etc.