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Cat of ninetails?

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Q: What is c of n?
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void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of a:"); scanf("%d",&amp;a); printf("\nEnter the value of b:"); scanf("%d",&amp;b); printf("\nEnter the value of c:"); scanf("%d",&amp;c); if(a&gt;b) { if(a&gt;c) { if(b&gt;c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } } else if(b&gt;c) { if(a&gt;c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } getch(); }

When was C. N. Ramdas born?

C. N. Ramdas was born in 1937.

When did N. C. Kelkar die?

N. C. Kelkar died in 1947.

When was N. C. Vasanthakokilam born?

N. C. Vasanthakokilam was born in 1919.

When was C. N. Sharma born?

C. N. Sharma was born in 1952.

When was N. C. Karunya born?

N. C. Karunya was born in 1988.

When did C. N. Carleson die?

C. N. Carleson died in 1929.

When was C. N. Karunakaran born?

C. N. Karunakaran was born in 1940.

When was N. C. Kelkar born?

N. C. Kelkar was born in 1872.