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Q: What is an emergency statement?
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What are the nouns in this statement in the middle of the assembly they had to leave for an emergency?

The nouns in the sentence are: middle assembly emergency

What is federal Emergency Managemnt Vision Statement?

Service in Peace and War

Which of the following statement isare true for chocking parked vehicles on the airfield?

Alert or emergency vehicles responding to an emergency/alert are exempt from chocking when parked

What is meant by the statement that a PFD must be readily accessible?

You must be able to put the PFD on in a reasonable amount of time in an emergency.

Help Ive fallen and I can't get up?

That is a statement, not a question. If this is a real emergency crawl over to the phone and dial 911.

Which statement is the best description of the Office of Emergency Management?

This agency was created to assist President Roosevelt in distributing information about the war to government agencies.

Which statement best describes the purpose of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration?

to provide funds to the states that would be given directly to those in need of relief

Which statement best describes the growth rate of the population in emergency and transitional shelter from 1990 to 2000?

The population in emergency and transitional shelter experienced a moderate growth rate from 1990 to 2000, with an increase in the number of individuals seeking these services. This growth indicates a rising need for such shelters during that decade.

How do you report a lost card?

Assuming you mean a credit card - there should be an 'emergency' number somewhere on your statement. The sooner you report it - the less liable you will be if someone uses the card fraudulently.

What are the answers for the Air Force Emergency Response Operations Command and Control CBT?

a. type 1 is the most complex incident type.

Wilderness emergency preparedness survival kits & outdoor wilderness survival training school. Wilderness survival training from military survival experts.frxx?

There are in fact wilderness emergency preparedness survival kits and outdoor wilderness survival training school available for anyone to purchase/use. While this is not a question, it is a true statement.

What is a sentence with the word emergency?

i was standing in the emergency ward. During emergency we were scared.