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Something that walks on two legs is called a biped and something that walks on four legs is a quadruped.

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Q: What is an animal that walks on 2 legs called It's a scientific name not a joke lol?
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A joke with a very shady punchline. A good example is the fact that you categorized this in "Human and Animal Interaction".

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This is a joke, right? Yes, Gluten comes from wheat. Lard is pure animal fat. No joke.

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The word "joke" comes from the Latin word jocus, meaning the same thing.

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This is a joke about cross breeding a cow with a bee. The end of the joke is about what the animal would say, which would be "buzz, moo".

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prankNoun: A practical joke or mischievous act.

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Actually, the band is called Cool Joke. The song is called UNDO. But that's okay. Cool Joke performs the song UNDO in FullMetal Alchemist.

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Is there a thing called an inside joke?

Yes. An inside joke is a joke that only certain people understand. They are more personal, that's why.

Can you put a joke in a will?

Yes. Sometimes the deceased leaves the bulk of their estate to an animal (like a favorite dog) which the surviving family regards as a joke.

Can a joke be scientifically funny?

Not sure what you mean by "scientifically funny", but a joke can be both scientific, i.e. about some science topic (and perhaps even scientifically accurate), and funny.