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An agile wallaby is a specific species of wallaby, Latin name Macropus agilis, found in Australia and New Guinea.

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Q: What is an agile wallaby?
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What is the agile wallaby's scientific name?

The agile wallaby's scientific name is Macropus agilis.

What are all 30 different wallaby species?

There are about 30 different species of wallaby. Some of these include: * Agile Wallaby * Black-striped Wallaby * Tammar Wallaby * Toolache Wallaby * Western Brush Wallaby * Parma Wallaby * Pretty-faced Wallaby * Red-necked Wallaby * Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby * Northern Nail-tail Wallaby * Short-eared Rock-wallaby * Proserpine Rock-wallaby * Rothschild's Rock-wallaby * Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby * Allied Rock-wallaby * Cape York Rock-wallaby * Godman's Rock-wallaby * Herbert's Rock-wallaby * Black-flanked Rock-wallaby * Mareeba Rock-wallaby * Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby * Purple-necked Rock-wallaby * Mt. Claro Rock-wallaby * Banded Hare-wallaby * Spectacled Hare-wallaby * Rufous Hare-wallaby * Eastern Hare-wallaby

How fast is a wallaby?

A wallaby can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) for short distances. They are known for their quick and agile movements, especially when escaping predators.

Which wallaby is endangered?

There is more than one species of wallaby which is endangered. Rock wallabies are most vulnerable. Wallabies with a conservation status of "endangered" include the following (among others):Brush tailed rock wallabyYellow footed rock wallabyProserpine rock-wallabyBridled nailtail wallabyBanded hare-wallaby

Is an alpine wallaby a rock wallaby or a brush wallaby?

The Brush-tailed rock wallaby is found in Australia's alpine areas. It is a rock wallaby, not a brush wallaby.

What animals endanger the yellow footed rock wallaby?

Yellow-footed Rock wallabies are not endangered. One sub-species is classed as vulnerable and the other sub-species is near-threatened. The biggest threat to the Yellow-footed Rock wallaby comes from introduced species such as foxes. Foxes are agile enough to reach the rock wallabies' habitats in rocky cliff faces.

What is a pregnant wallaby called?

A pregnant wallaby is just that - a pregnant wallaby. A female wallaby is generally referred to as a doe, whether or not she is pregnant.

Is a wallaby an amphibian?

No. A wallaby is a mammal, specifically a marsupial.

What is the scientific name for wallaby grass?

There are different types of wallaby grass. All wallaby grass belongs to the Austrodanthonia species. Scientific names include:Common Wallaby-Grass: Austrodanthonia caespitosaBristly Wallaby-Grass: Austrodanthonia setaceaCommon Swamp Wallaby-Grass: Amphibromus nervosusBudawangs Wallaby-Grass: Plinthanthesis rodwayiRinged Wallaby-Grass: AustrodanthoniacaespitoseThere are nearly 30 species of wallaby grass. Each one has its own scientific name. The genus for wallaby grass is Austrodanthonia. You can follow the link below to the names of 25 Austrodanthonia species.

How do you say wallaby in spanish?

I checked Google translate and it came out the same. Wallaby=Wallaby I hope that helps. :)

What is the wallaby's common name?

Wallaby is its common name.

Is a wallaby a predator or a prey or both?

The wallaby is a herbivore.