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Q: What is air habitat?
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Animals habitat landwaterair?

There are plenty of animals that habitat either land, water, or air. The owl for example habitats both land and air.

What is areial habitat?

an aerial habitat... surprise it's air used, by flying animals such as birds

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habitat degradation

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What is three things need to be in your habitat?

water air food

What is the habitat a bottle nose dolphin lives in?

They live in the air.

What level do you have to be to be able to upgrad air habitat in DragonVale?


What are rose's habitat?

A roses habitat is a nice open spaced area where sunlight, rain and air can get to it to grow big :D

What are roses habitat?

A roses habitat is a nice open spaced area where sunlight, rain and air can get to it to grow big :D

How long does it take to build an air habitat on DragonVale?

100 hours