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A natural relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism and benefits from the relationship while the other organism may be harmed is a parasitic relationship.

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Q: What is a natural relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism and benefits from the relationship while the other organism may be harmed?
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What is the symbiotic relationship between a hookworm and puppies?

Hookworm infection can be looked at as a natural check in the canine population as it is frequently lethal to young puppies. A young puppy is growing and that includes making enough new blood to serve not only its needs but the needs of its growth. Growing requires a tremendous red blood cell production from the puppy's bone marrow, yet in the hookworm infected puppy this process is being sabotaged by numerous tiny vampires within. The puppy may be effectively bled to death. This form of symbiotic relationship is parasitism; a relationship in which one organism - the host - is the source of food and/or shelter for another organism, the parasite. In this relationship, all of the benefits go to the parasite; the host is harmed by the relationship.

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Natural selection reduces the number of fertile offspring an organism may raise.

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an organism with more sets of chromosomes than is natural. IE a fruit is supposed to be diploid (2n), however some flies might gain another set of chromosomes to make it triploid (3n).

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Genetic engineering is when scientists manipulate individual genes within organisms. EXAMPLE: Artificially introducing a gene from a jelly fish into a rabbit. the result is a rabbit that glows in the dark under an ultraviolet light source. This is one example. Natural reproduction is when that organism chooses to mate with another organism. You are not forced, its just natural.

What word describes a habitat and the organisms therein?

HABITAT:1a : the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows2: the place where something is commonly foundOR:HABITAT: Noun the natural home or environment of an organism

What does natural selection effect?

The individual organism is selected, or the genes that reside in this individual organism.