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A host animal - is any creature that has a parasite. For example a dog (host) and a flea (parasite)

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Q: What is a host animal?
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When a parasitic worm invades an animal who is the host?

The animal is the "host".

Why is the animal or plant in which a parasite causes disease called a host?

Because, the animal acts as a host for the parasite. Also, the parasite acts as a guest so it's only right that the animal/plant is called the host.

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A parasitic relationship describes an animal that depends on another animal for its survival while causing harm to the host. An example is a tick feeding on the blood of a host animal such as a deer.

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A parasite is an animal that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients from the host.

How do ticks acquire blood?

they suck it up ^^^To improve on the above answer. Ticks bite into the host animal. Their saliva contains a mild antiseptic - which stops the host animal noticing the parasites bite. The tick then draws blood from the host animal by way of a long, tube-like structure. Once the tick is full, it drops off the host to digest its meal, then finds another host.

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What is a parasitic host?

Host is an organism on or in which parasite live