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This is called fission and it's the preferred method among the Protists. There is also a method called budding practiced by the sponges which differs from fission in that there is a unequal distribution of material, so the larger component remains the "parent" organism whereas in fission there are two "daughters."

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Q: What is a asexual reproduction in which the parent organism splits in two?
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What are two types of asexual reporduction?

Two types of asexual reproduction are binary fission, where a single organism splits into two identical organisms, and budding, where a new organism grows out of the parent organism.

What is binary fision?

This is a form of asexual reproduction where an organism splits in two.

Why is mitoosis a form of asexual reproduction?

because mitosis is when ONE parent cell splits into two daughter cells. and asexual reproduction only involves one parent

A type of Asexual reproduction were a portion of the organism splits off to organism is called?

There are several forms of asexual reproduction: binary fission (two equal individuals are formed), budding, vegetative reproduction, and fragmentation. Fragmentation seems to fit your question.

How can an organism produced by asexual reproduction be unique?

An organism produced by asexual reproduction can be unique due to the possibility of genetic mutations occurring during the replication process. These mutations can lead to variations in the offspring's traits, making them distinct from the parent organism. Additionally, external factors such as the environment can also contribute to the uniqueness of individual organisms produced asexually.

What is the reproductive process in which an organism splits in two and grows called?

It is called Binary Fission and it is an Asexual form of reproduction.

Difference between the two types of reproduction?

Asexual reproduction involves a single parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces offspring with a unique combination of genetic material from each parent.

How does budding and fission contrast and compare?

Budding and fission are both forms of asexual reproduction. In budding, a new organism develops as an outgrowth from the parent organism, eventually detaching to live independently. In fission, the parent organism splits into two or more separate organisms, each growing into a new individual. The key difference is in the method of offspring formation: budding creates offspring from an outgrowth, while fission divides the parent organism into new individuals.

When an organism makes another organism like itself this is called?

If it is making an exact replica of itself it might be binary fission and the organism (usually a cell) splits itself in half to create another cell. The second cell is called the daughter cell which looks just like the parent cell. binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction

What is fission reproduction?

Fission reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction where an organism splits into two or more parts, each of which can grow into a complete organism. It is common in simple organisms like bacteria and some single-celled organisms.

Does asexual reproduction involve the making of sperm and eggs?

No, asexual reproduction typically does not involve the production of sperm and eggs. In asexual reproduction, organisms can reproduce without the need for gametes or fertilization. Instead, they can reproduce through methods such as budding or cell division.

Why is binary fission classified as asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction means reproducing on one's own. (Without a partner or another organism's DNA) Binary fission is when one cell splits into two completely identical 'daughter' cells.