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"Boxing the compass" is the act of reciting the 32 principal points of the compass. It was a necessary skill of all mariners before the mid1930's. Up until this time, ship's officers would give the helmsman orders to "steer south-east by south" for example. On board a modern ship, the equivalent order would be "steer one-four-six degrees."

So, to box the compass, start at north and work clock-wise. North, north by east, north-northeast, north-east by north, north-east, northeast by east, east-northeast, east by north, east, east by south, east-southeast, southeast by east, southeast, southeast by south, south-southeast, south by east south, south by west, south-southwest, southwest by south, southwest, southwest by west, west-southwest, west by south west, west by north, west-northwest, northwest by west, northwest, northwest by north, north-northwest, north by west, north.




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