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Q: What internal structure is functional part of an open circulatory system which is found in arthropods and mollusks?
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What internal structure is a functional part of an open circulatory system which is found in arthropods and mollusks?


Do arthropods have jointed appendages?

All arthropods have jointed appendages. The terms "arthropod" means "jointed foot". Arthropods have segmented bodies and examples of them are insects, spiders, and crustaceans.

What is the characteristics of an ARTHROPODS?

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages. They also have an internal body cavity (hemocoel) and an open circulatory system.

What are the characteistics of an arthropods?

Arthropods (phylum Arthropoda) are characterized by joint appendages, segmented bodies, and exoskeletons made of chitin; they have an internal body cavity with an open circulatory system.

What kind of cavity does an arthropod have?

Arthropods have an internal body cavity called a hemocoel which bathes the internal organs in nutrients, and is a component of their open circulatory system.

What are the characteristics of the groups of organisms called arthropods?

The taxonomic grouping of arthropods is called a phylum. Among other traits, arthropods are characterized by joint appendages and segmented bodies covered by an exoskeleton made of chitin. They have an internal body cavity called a hemocoel and an open circulatory system.

What characteristics do all arthropods share?

Arthropods have segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages. They also have an internal body cavity (hemocoel) and an open circulatory system which employs hemolymph.

Do arthropods have a mantle?

No. Arthropods have "exoskeletons", shells outside their bodies that contain and protect their internal organs.

How are arthropods different from invertebrates?

Arthropods are invertebrates. An invertebrate is an animal without an internal skeleton and that's exactly what an arthropod is.

How are in six different from other arthropods?

Assuming this question is how are insects different from other arthropods, insects fall into hexapods which includes insects, springtails and a few other groups of arthropods with six legs. Insects are different from other hexapods in that they possess a structure called a tentorium which is an internal support skeleton in the head made by extensions of the exoskeleton into the head.

Does a flatworm have an open or closed circulatory system?

Arthropods have an open circulatory system, with organs in the internal body cavity (hemocoel) and cells bathed in hemolymph. The fluid drains into open pores for recirculation usually by a dorsal tube acting in the role of a heart. Not all arthropods use hemolymph for oxygenation; insects for example oxygenate tissues directly via tubules connected through vents (spiracles) to the atmosphere.

How do arthropods move nutrients from one parto f the body to anohter?

Arthropods do have a circulatory system to move oxygen and nutrients through their bodies, but it is an open design, meaning the organs and cells are bathed in circulatory fluid unlike our circulatory system which delivers blood to specific locations. Their internal body cavity is called a hemocoel, the fluid drains into open pores and is pumped by a simple dorsal heart. Their movements also help to move the fluid around. This liquid is called hemolymph and contains water, salts, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and an oxygen-carrying molecule.