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Instinct is basically behaviours that are meant to ensure the survival of animals and humans for that matter. Examples include eating, breathing etc If we as humans had to learn to breath we would be dead by now. Other instinctual behaviours are improved by learning. An example of this is hunting, cats big or small are instinct hunters therefore from a early age they express this behaviour, however through trial and error and experience they learn to improve this skill becoming great hunters. Another example of this can be seen in mating rituals, commonly seen in crane species, however if you have a captive bred population this can meet barriers. These barriers are not the behaviour itself, by this i mean they will instinctively express these mating dances however the learning comes into it when they start using these mating dances on humans since they don't know any difference.

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13y ago
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12y ago

yes for example ther horses instincts are to kick if any thng gets behind them

a dogs instincts are to bark or growl if they get scared

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12y ago

Courtship behavior aids in survival because it leads to the creation of offspring.

source: chacha

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12y ago

It depends on the animal

Dogs are born with a sense of smell

Cats have incredible hearing

Those are some

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10y ago

Animals go to places where they have food and climates for example female Atlantic turtles go to Ascension island in the south Atlantic Ocean to lay their eggs

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4y ago

I have no idea so leave me alone peps

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Q: What instincts are animals born with?
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Animals are born with instincts. Alot of animals are born hunter's, walking and caring for themselves.

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Animals lose their survival instincts in captivity this is because they are not exposed to their natural habitat. If these animals are brought back into the wild, they will most likely not survive.

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No, the number of instincts a species has is not necessarily correlated with its intelligence. Humans do have a wide range of instincts, but so do other animals. The difference lies in how we express and act upon these instincts due to our cognitive abilities and complex social structures.

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An eastern chipmunk is born with many survival instincts. These instincts include food gathering, nest making, parenting, and the flight or fight instinct.

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