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this is normal if only one tooth is gone just check on him for weight loss and take him to the vet if it diddent grow back whithen three weeks feed him soft foods and soak his regular gerbil food for a hour

Hiya, gerbils can lose their teeth for many reasons; lack of vitamin c or calcium (they pick out bits of mix they like and leave the rest, try a mineral block), infection, trauma (i.e. knocking it) or chewing on something too hard like metal or ceramic food bowls.

If the gerbil has broken the teeth, then they will grow back in about 4 days, if they have fallen out they may or may not grow back. If they don't, just take it to the vet every 4 weeks or so to trim the others. For food, I have found with mine that liquidsing pellets and crushing the seed bits or their mix is good. Also try mixing bread with water, and give it a cucumber, apple and banana 'smoothie' mix them together and blend). I have to feed mine through a syringe because she is the most stubborn little thing and prefers to explore than eat, but other gerbils may just eat it from the cage. A bit of trial and error is needed here though to see how your gerbil prefers it's food.

Experience: I have possibly the most troublesome gerbil in the world but i love her. She has lost her teeth at least 5 times by chewing on the bars of her cage even though she has numerous cardboard tubes and wooden blocks to chew on.


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9y ago

There are several reasons why a gerbil loses its teeth, these are what i can think of off the top of my head:

hitting them hard eg after jumping onto/off something

chewing things that are too hard (like metal bars on the cage)

not getting enough calcium and other minerals/vitamins (they may be a fussy eater/ on the wrong food)


sometimes old age causes weakening of the teeth

My gerbil has pulled her teeth out 6 times because shes a very fussy eater so only eats bits of her food she likes, and she also loves chewing on her metal cage bars(even though she has numerous wooden things to chew), and they get wobbly and hurt, so she pulls them out . Giving a mineral stone/house for them to chew helps with the vitamin deficiency.

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14y ago

It will probably grow back

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