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As you more up the ecological pyramid, the relative number of organisms present decreases. This means there will be more organisms at the bottom of the pyramid than at the top! At every increasing trophic level (ie primary to secondary to tertiary, etc.), the relative number of organisms will be less as you move up the ecological pyramid! Hope that helps :)


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I assume you mean food chain, and will answer the question as such. A food pyramid is something primarily regarding human nutrition. As you go up a level in food chain, say from salmon to grizzly bear, the number of organisms decreases as competition for food increases. Even if there were theoretically more predators than prey, the trend would quickly shift because as prey grows scarce and predators die off from starvation.

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Q: What happens to the relative number of organisms as you move up an ecological pyramid?
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What are three kinds of ecological pyramids?

Energy flux pyramidBiomass pyramidNumbers pyramid (the numerical value of the organisms in each trofic level)The pyramid of numbers and the pyramid of biomass are two kinds of ecological pyramids. Another is the pyramid of energy.

What level do humans occupy on an ecological pyramid?

Humans occupy the highest trophic level in an ecological pyramid, known as the tertiary consumers. This means they are at the top of the food chain and primarily feed on organisms from lower trophic levels.

What is an ecological pyramid?

An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the trophic (feeding) relationships within an ecosystem. It shows the transfer of energy and matter between trophic levels, meaning that energy decreases as you move up the pyramid. There are three types of ecological pyramids: pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass, and pyramid of energy.

What are the trohpic levels?

A position in a food chain or Ecological Pyramid occupied by a group of organisms with similar feeding mode.

Who is the top consumer in an ecological pyramid?

humans are the top predator in the ecological pyramid.

what Using the ecological pyramid, explain how animals we think of pests (e.g. mosquitoes) are important to an ecosystem.?

By now, you have learned that there is a lot of interaction between all the components of an ecosystem. However, did you know that we can represent this relationship between the energy and biomass of organisms through a simple diagram? An Ecological pyramid shows precisely this relationship in a diagrammatic format. The predictable changes that are seen in organisms are shown by ecological succession.

Why an ecological pyramid is smaller than the top than the bottom?

I'd say because most things at the top are less hunted organisms, leaving it to be eaten less. Which will result in a smaller amount.Rather than the rest of organisms, there are more and larger because they are the hunted.Because of energy the bottom gets 100% of the energy the next only gets 10% then 1% then .1% and so on.An ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic.

What happens to contaminants as you move up and down the ecological pyramid?

Contaminants tend to bioaccumulate, meaning they become more concentrated as you move up the ecological pyramid because organisms at higher trophic levels consume many lower-level organisms. Contaminants can also biomagnify, increasing in concentration along the food chain due to the cumulative effect of each organism consuming contaminated prey.

Which ecological pyramid is always straight?

pyramid of energy

What are the concept of an ecological pyramid?

An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the trophic levels (different feeding levels) within an ecosystem. It shows the flow of energy or biomass from one trophic level to the next, with producers at the bottom and top predators at the top. There are three types: pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass, and pyramid of energy.

What is a enery pyramid?

If the organisms in a food chain are arranged according to trophic levels, they form a pyramid, with a broad base representing the primary producers and usually only a few individuals in the highest part of the pyramid. Also known as a "pyramid of numbers," an ecological pyramid is a way of describing the distribution of energy, biomass, or individuals among the different levels of ecosystem structure.

Why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom?

All pyramids are smaller at the top. It's how they're constructed. Every step of energy transformation has loss. Progress through the energy chain, the amount of energy transferred would unavoidably degrade. As the chain progresses, it gets narrower to a pyramid shape.