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it acually gave birth to anaka and made a tsunamie\tidlewave it kill 36,00 people seriously

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Q: What happened to the people on Java after Krakatau's 1883 eruption?
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How long did the people have to prepare for the Krakatoa eruption in 1883?

There was no specific warning issued before the Krakatoa eruption in 1883. The event happened suddenly and caught people by surprise, resulting in a devastating disaster.

Which year was the island of krakatua brown apart by a volcano eruption?

The eruption happened on August 26–27, 1883.

What is the total death toll for Krakatoa?

The total death toll from the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was estimated to be around 36,000 people. This included deaths from the initial eruption, tsunamis triggered by the eruption, and the aftermath of the disaster.

When was Mount Krakatoa's biggest eruption?

The eruption of 1883.

How many people died in mount Krakatoa?

ABOUT 36,000 people died in the 1883 mt.krakatoa eruption

Krakatoa 's year of worst eruption?

The worst eruption of Krakatoa occurred in 1883, resulting in major devastation and a massive explosion heard thousands of kilometers away. The eruption caused widespread destruction, triggering tsunamis that killed tens of thousands of people and changing the region's landscape.

How many died in mount Krakatoa?

ABOUT 36,000 people died in the 1883 mt.krakatoa eruption

What was Krakatoa's first eruption?

in 1883.

What erupted from Mount Santorini in 1883?

There was no eruption at Santorini in 1883. The last activity there. The island of Karkatoa famously destroyed itself in a cataclysmic volcanic eruption in 1883. This eruption was similar to the one that occurred at Santorini around 1600 BC.

Was there a supervolcano eruption that killed over 36000?

No. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa did kill about 36,000 people. Although this eruptions was extremely large, Krakatoa is not a supervolcano.

Did mount Krakatoa kill anybody?

Yes. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa killed at least 36,000 people.

Who many people dies in the Krakatoa eruption?

Around 36,000 people were killed as a result of the Krakatoa eruption in 1883. The eruption also caused massive tsunamis, which contributed to the high death toll.