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There are a number of things that could happen to animals if the air they breathe was sprayed with pesticide. These animals could die or develop infections.

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Q: What happen to the animals if the air they breathe were sprayed with pesticide?
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What would happen to the animals if the air they breath were sprayed with pesticide?

There are many things that could happen to the animals if the air they breath were sprayed with pesticide. One is that they could get sick or die.

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If you don't have a garden or an alotment to grow your own ,then yes it is good for your body.All the stuff that has been sprayed with pesticide stays with that vegetable (NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WASH IT) and you eat it ,so your body is going to be filled with pesticide and then if another chemical is introduced you don't know what could happen!

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Pesticide pollution occurs when pesticides applied to crops or soil wash off into water bodies through runoff or leaching. This contamination can also happen when pesticides are sprayed aerially or when equipment is not properly cleaned after use. Additionally, improper disposal, spills, or accidents can also contribute to pesticide pollution in the environment.

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