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Q: What happen if cut down the trees don't stop deforestation pollute the sea?
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Slogans for afforestation?

Some slogans on afforestation are: Plant trees. Save the world. Plant trees now, they will save you in the near future. Plant trees. Plant hope for a better future. Stop deforestation to beat atmospheric pollution. Stop deforestation to save our nation.

How do you stop ecological pollution?

dont pollute

How do you overcome the problem of deforestation?

replant the trees make a law on people cutting down trees should charge high tax punish those who dont take care of the nature

What is the effect of deforestation to plants and animals?

There are many effects of deforestation including loss of wildlife habitat. Deforestation is also a leading cause in global warming because the carbon dioxide absorbing trees are being removed.

Do a slogan on deforestation and how to prevent deforestation?

Lend a hand to save the trees Plant a tree and get ait for free

Does deforestation happen in rural areas?

The answer is yes. No matter what the area it can always be affected by deforestation in some shape or form. Good examples of this is the Amazon Rainforest. Local businesses cut down trees locally to cut down costs and transportation to serve the local community. What is notable is that rural deforestation is harder to monitor and control and so makes it more appealing. More information is available from the NASA Earth Observatory.

What can people do to help keep your waters clean?

dont pollute it

How you protect water pollution?

just, dont pollute the water

How can you make Delhi a pollution free zone?

dont pollute it.

What are the solutions of deforestation?

Some solutions to deforestation include enforcing stricter regulations on logging and land clearing, promoting sustainable forestry practices, establishing protected areas and reforestation projects, and supporting initiatives that promote forest conservation and restoration. Collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities is essential to address the root causes of deforestation effectively.

How does nature start deforestation?

I dont know atcelly