Hardcore exercise
exercise and diet
The shots that a 4 year old need in the US are DTaP, MMR, IPV and Varicella. These immunizations are administered between the ages of 4 and 6 years old.
Yes but you need to know if you can handle it.
How do you calculate the caloric requirement for a 4 year old child who weighs 42 pounds
baby food
Best bet is to have their birth certificate.
4 year old girl
6 years
* 1 year old children need about 900 calories per day * 2 - 3 year old children need 1000 calories per day * 4 - 8 year old children need 1200 calories per day if they are girls and 1400 calories per day if they are boys
Not if it is playful with other 4 year old, or people mature enough to know how to play with a 4 year old.