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Without prey to live on, predators would either starve or have to move away to where prey was still available. As the prey number reduced, so the number of predators would also be reduced.

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Q: What effect did removing the prey have on predators?
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What effect on removing prey have on predators?

they leave or the die out

What is the effect of removing the predators from the prey?

Basically, the prey overpopulate. Way too much prey around without anything to even out the numbers.

What effect did removing predators have on prey?

Removing predators can lead to an increase in prey populations due to reduced predation pressure. This can result in overgrazing or overconsumption of resources, leading to imbalances in the ecosystem. Additionally, without predators, prey species may experience a decrease in their ability to respond to changing environmental conditions, making them more vulnerable to extinction in the long term.

What effect does removing predators have on prey?

they grow too abundant and eventually overrun an area as well as eating up all of their food.

How does color effect survival of prey?

Color effects survival of prey because it allows the prey to hide in the environment or to scare away predators. This can help the prey to survive.

Are a salamander's prey or predators?

They are both predators and prey.

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They are both predators and prey.

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Prey bugs and predators leapords

What is the difference between prey and predators?

Prey animals are eaten by predators. (Preydators)

What are 4 living and 4 nonliving animals in 1 ecosystem?

4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!

How does the number of prey effect the number of predators?

Predators EAT their prey. If the number of prey diminishes there is less food available for the predators to catch so some of them starve to death. Similarly if there are numerous prey then the predators eat well and breed successfully and their numbers go up. There is therefore a balance between the numbers of predators and their prey.

Short term effects of predator and prey cycle?

There is no short term effect, the cycle will just go in these four stages. more predators= fewer preys too little food= predators starve few predators= more prey survive food plentiful= more predators survive