

Best Answer
Dileptus eat:
  1. algae
  2. bacteria
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Audra Weissnat

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What does dileptus eat or feed?
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What do dileptus eat?

Dileptus are carnivorous organisms that primarily feed on other small protozoans, such as ciliates and flagellates. They capture their prey using their long, adhesive tentacles, which they use to engulf and digest their food.

Where do dileptus live?

Dileptus is a freshwater protozoan found in various aquatic environments like ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams. They typically inhabit the bottom substrate or in vegetation where they can feed on smaller organisms like bacteria, algae, and other protozoa.

Are dileptus species pathogenic?


How does the dileptus reproduce?

Bianary Fission

How does dileptus move?


Are the dileptus species eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

Dileptus species are eukaryotes. They belong to the phylum Ciliophora, which includes diverse ciliated protozoans that are all eukaryotic organisms with membrane-bound organelles.

How does the dileptus move?

Dileptus moves by using its long, flexible body to slither or crawl across surfaces in search of prey. It can also swim using its cilia to propel itself through the water.

Do bats eat garbage?

Bats mostly eat insects, except fruit bats that eat fruit and vampire bats that eat blood.

What is the difference between FOOD and FEED?

Food: Something you eat. (Noun) Feed: To eat something. (Verb)

How do cockatiels eat sunflowers how do you feed them it?

Well you open the bag of sunflower seeds and feed them to the cockatiels. They will then eat them.

How do bass eat?

sometimes they eat bread if you feed it to them

What do you feed small chickens?

Chickens will eat a variety of feed. Feed stores have chicken feed in bags you can buy.