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Chlorella is a single cell algae. Therefor it does not have a 'plant like' structure, as for example spirulina has.

That is probably also the reason that while spirulina was a food source for ancient tribes like the Aztheks, chlorella despite having existed for hundreds of millions of years, was not discovered until the early 20th century.

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Related questions

What is the Latin name of chlorella?

The Latin name for chlorella is Chlorella vulgaris.

What is Sun Chlorella?

Sun Chlorella is a brand of chlorella supplement that is derived from a type of green algae. It is marketed as a superfood due to its high nutrient content, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Some people take Sun Chlorella to boost their immune system, improve digestion, and detoxify the body.

What kingdom does chlorella belong to?

Kingdom - Protista Phylum - Chlorophyta Class - Trebouxiophceae Order - Chlorellales Family - Chlorellaceae Genus - Chlorella Species - Chlorella pyrendoidosa Hope this helped

What is the best chlorella?

One of the best chlorella dietary supplements you can buy is Chlorenergy. The supplement is 100% vegetarian and 100% pure chlorella.

Which has more protein Wheatgrass or chlorella?

what the differren betwen wheat grass & chlorella wheat grass has 20%. chlorella has about 65% see

What are the functions of chlorella?

Chlorella is a type of green algae, which has many medicinal purposes. Chlorella helps with diet, detoxification, and can help lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How does chlorella move?

It moves like any other cell does. They are so small that they basically float within their environment

Where does chlorella live?

Chlorella is a green one cell algae that people are using as a dietary substance. As with any algae, chlorella lives in water.

Is chlorella autotroph?


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How do you you take chlorella?

Chlorella powder is easy to add to foods and drinks. If you are taking chlorella for the first time, you can start by adding small amounts of the powder into foods, drinks, and dressings to get used to the flavor and to help the body get used to chlorella. If you find the flavor too strong or if you find it difficult to get used to it, start by adding the powder to smoothies and juices. Adding a little chlorella powder into a glass of fruit or vegetable juice makes the drink more nutritious. If you like the flavor you can simply add it to water and drink as a healthy detoxifying drink. Chlorella tablets can be more convenient to take. You can easily take the tablets with you to work and take them throughout the day with your meals. The tablets come in a variety of sizes and they make it easy to include chlorella into your daily diet even when you are busy at work or at home.

Does chlorella reproduce asexually?

Yes, chlorella can reproduce asexually through a process called binary fission, where one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This is the primary mode of reproduction for chlorella.