smoke it, eat it, vaporize it.
I really don't know./..
If we eat an ape, it's actually not called "cannabis's" at all, nor is it called "cannabilism," given the fact that an ape technically isn't considered the same as the human species.
Is it harmful for my pet opossum to eat part of a marijuana bud?
cannabis, but you have to mix it in with their food. i call it "sea-weed" :P
through a spliffYou can smoke it, vaporize it, eat it, or drink marijuana seed oil.
No. Cannabis has never killed anyone in any form if consuming it for more than 2,700 years. Cancer patients who don't want to smoke cannabis have it cooked into foods for them to eat instead. Eating it raw would be unpleasant and probably wouldn't have much effects.
No, you need to introduce cannabis to your body (eat, smoke, etc..)
Cannabis shouldn't be capitalized unless it's at the beginning of a sentence because it's not a proper noun. Cannabis does need to be capitalized when using its proper taxonomic names, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica or Cannabis ruderalis.
No. It's not possible to OD on Cannabis.
Cannabis oils are extracts from cannabis plants. CBD oil is made from cannabidiol, a non-intoxicating extract of marijuana, and is believed to treat pain, anxiety, and seizures
Cannabis is Made with a greenish-gray mixture of dried Cannabis sativa flowers. When Cannabis is sold or eaten for medical purposes, it can also be used to make tea. Cannabis LMS gives you training on how to use Cannabis for Dispensaries.