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Acid slowly buring away your proteins.

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Q: What does being eaten alive feel like?
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Is there any type of food being eaten alive?

-It really depends on the person. Like daring people will eat cockroaches... alive, or even spiders... but really... I don't think people do that on a daily basis... -However thousands of Oysters are eaten across the world and they are effectively alive when eaten.

Why do you feel ashamed after being eaten out?

The only reason I would think that you would feel assaimed is because you didn't really want to do it or you feel like you are just using him/her

What would it feel like to be eaten alive by a dragon?

If one gets swallowed alive by a dragon, they would get suffocated by stomach acids and unwholesome air; it's a slow death. Getting chewed and eaten alive would be a quicker death than getting digested alive. A dragon's stomach does not have pure oxygen. It's possible to escape a dragon's stomach, but that would require a sharp blade for someone to cut their way through.

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fragma-you are alive

What would it be like to be eaten alive by a human?

Well, there would most likely be a lot of pain.

What is being worried like?

Are you a robot? Everyone alive has experienced being worried. It's when you're anxious for or about something, someone, or yourself. It's when you feel like something bad or otherwise unwantable might happen.

What does it feel like when you are getting eaten out?

Depends if you taco bell or pizza hut

What does It feel like to be 'eaten out'?

i don't personally know but my friend says good

Can a parakeet stay alive in the wilderness?

no it will get eaten by something and like its cant survive it needs water and food

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he was working at nasa now he is dead but i feel like he is alive i dont know why i feel like this.

How do you feel being a Teen?

For me i feel like a kid still

Can you eat an animal alive?

only a crazed person would write a question like that but insects yes but larger animals no. - - - - - In parts of the Orient, they eat octopus alive. Also, raw oysters are often eaten alive.