their own poop
Tigers live in a wide range of habitat types. Compared to lions, tigers prefer denser vegetation, for which their camouflage colouring is ideally suited. A further habitat requirement is suitably secluded den locations, which may consist of caves, large hollow trees, or dense vegetation
tree tops and it eats tiny mammels which it has to find in damp places of the rain forests and it lives mostly up high
The Tiger shark lives in warm salt water areas. They are found in tropical areas. They eat small fish, birds, and other tropical species.
When you write an animal report the subheadings should consist of important information you want to include. Subheadings can include the animal's classification, appearance, diet, or habitat.
The building blocks of a habitat include abiotic factors like soil, water, sunlight, and temperature, as well as biotic factors like plants, animals, and microorganisms. Together, these components create a complex ecosystem where species interact and depend on each other for survival.
what does the ody consist of? what does the body consist of?
It consist of asthenosphere
The present tense of "consist" is "consists."
The present tense of "consist" is "consists."
Consist is a verb.