A conductor is the person who guides the band/orchestra in tempo, style, and many other factors that make music. Often times, he will use a baton or his hands and wave them in the air to keep tempo and stress some parts of the music.
A conductor is also the person on a train, streetcar, or other public transport system who takes fares and sells tickets.
A conductor is also a substance or medium that can conduct light, heat, electricity, or sound.
A conductor Conductor The conductor is also known as "Maestro".
Copper is a conductor of electricity.
Brass is a metal that conducts electricity. Therefore, a brass paper clip is a conductor.
It is an insulator
It is a poor conductor.
A female conductor is simply called a conductor, just like a male conductor. There is no specific term used to differentiate based on gender.
Copper is a conductor.
A vacuum is a non conductor.
it is a conductor as all other metals and the gold is also good conductor as silver!!!
is water conductor or insulator
it is a conductor, but rather a very weak one. VERY WEAK