It's a name. Origin of Spain. Meaning "pleasant". It is usually a girls name but sometimes a boys name.
Naoma Sailing Club was created in 1965.
The address of the Marsh Fork is: Rt. 3, Naoma, 25140 0070
west virgina
Naoma Loomis has written: '20th century photo-tinting and color harmony'
The phone number of the Marsh Fork is: 304-854-2677.
The cast of Car Jacked - 2012 includes: Alex Acuff as Cop Tom Barker as Lewis Naoma Eris Kelly as Little Girl Lisa Sain Odom as Hannah Tommy Trull as Jake
Cogar Name Meaning English (Cornwall): Possibly an Americanized spelling of German Koger. Cogars are found in West Virginia, Ohio. Patric Cogar, Naoma Cogar, Jessie Cogar, Etta Cogar, Michael Cogar are famous names
5 Theodore Taylor had 3 children with Gwen Goodwin...Mark Wendy and Michael.
The cast of Styrman Karlssons flammor - 1925 includes: Edit Ernholm as Blenda Mignon Georgian as Nanette Wictor Hagman as John Bernertz Axel Hultman as Inn Keeper Yvonne Lesti as Naoma Fridolf Rhudin as Augustsson Guye Rolf as Beatrice Ernst Rolf as Karl Alfred Karlsson
The name Naomi is from Hebrew, with the meaning "pleasant", "delightful" or "beautiful". Naomi has 10 variant forms: Naoma, Naomia, Naomie, Nayomi, Navit, Neoma, Neomi, Noami, Noemi and Noemie. The Japanese version of the name has the meaning "straight" or "honest".
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