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The wolves will die out and later become extinct. And when that happens,the hunters will also become extinct for reasons I can't tell you.

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Q: What do you think would happen to the ecosystem if hunters kill many of the wolves for fur?
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I think wolves, I'm not sure though.

Do wolves eat deer?

Yes, they do. Deer and rabbits are both prey to wolves. The wolf either has to sneak up on its prey, or outrun it, so young, injured or weak deer are the usual victims.most likeily yes. wolves are carnivors so they do eat meat. but where they ussally live i dont think there are deer there.

Why do farmers think wolves are so bad?

because they thought that the wolves were hurting theirlivstock and they were afraid that the wolves would come after them.

How are the wolves in danger?

As all wolves do, they face the dangers of humans, but not as much as the other species and subspecies do. Since they can live so far north, they hardly every come within contact of human life. Althogh other dangers they face are the freezing temperatures, they are adapted to below freezing temperatures and are usually well guarded against such coldness. One of the major dangers, however, is the lack of food in the arctic.

Do you feed wolves daily?

i think you do

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