Reindeer live in the tundra, lichen is a type of plant in the tundra, there are dwarf trees in the tundra, there are small-leafed shrubs, there are mountain goats in the tundra, there are sheep in the tundra, there are elk in the tundra, caribou live in the tundra, arctic hares (rabbits) live in the tundra, arctic foxes live in the tundra, wolves live in the tundra, polar bears live in the tundra, ........................................If you need any more information on the tundra.........just ask....I did a report on it when I was in the 5th grade....I know a lot about the tundra.
Plants that live in an arctic tundra climate need to adjust to the climate. The plants also need to have a shallow root systems.
do you mean caribou? then it does live in the tundra to be specific the artic tundra.
does a panda bear live in the tundra
Yes, hedgehogs live in the tundra.... NO.
Animals that live in the Tundra tend to either make their habitats underground, or in caves. They need shelter from the very cold temperatures that are there.
No, tundra wolves do not live in Minnesota....
yes there are plants live in the tundra
They live in the far northern part of the tundra.
they live in the ALPINE tundra
The Inuit tribes live and hunt in the tundra. scientists can live in the tundra for a couple years mostly for experiments
No, koalas do not live in the tundra. Koalas require eucalyptus bushland in temperate or sub-tropical zones of eastern Australia. Tundra is too cold. Australia's only tundra is on Mt Kosciuszko and nearby high country, which does not support the eucalyptus trees koalas need for their survival.