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throw it away

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Q: What do you do when you find a turtle egg In your pool?
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How do you create a turtle Doodle God?

sand+egg= turtle

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Do the turtle egg needs to be in sand to hatch?

Yes turtle egg need the sand to hatch.

What would happen if your turtle egg has a dent in it?

Usually, a small dent in a turtle egg is okay but a large dent or a sunken in egg could mean that the egg has collapsed. For more information, I recommend going to the Turtle Tails website link in the related links; it gives a complete guide on how to care for turtle eggs and what it means if a turtle egg looks a certain way. It would be best to go on that site. Hope your egg is okay!

Is a box turtle a live bearer or an egg layer?

Egg layer

Is it bad if a painted turtle egg is deflated?

It's bad if the turtle is still in it.

Ok my red eared slider turtle that i rescued from the river in my backyard has laid 1 egg and my dad says that it needs a male turtle to furtalise the egg is that true and what to do with the egg?

the egg is already fertalized that's why she laid the egg

Name something you might find in a pond you'd hate to find in your swimming pool?

frog fish snake pond scum snapping turtle alligator

Will slider turtle eggs hatch if you only have a female turtle?

yes my turtle lay egg alone rashed

What are adaptations of a turtle?

because we like to take massive pool pool around the world

Do you need a male apple snail to hatch an egg?

no you need a turtle.....a BIG turtle

How do you get the yellow egg in Minx's Easter adventure?

Buy the turtle ice cream by: Play the wooden egg game next to the pink bouncy house. You will also receive the green egg. After you have successfully completed the game, you will receive a coin. Go to the ice cream stand next to the turtle on the bench, with the kitten licking the turtle's fallen ice cream. With your coin, buy an ice cream cone and give it to the turtle. The turtle had his hand on the yellow egg, and he uses that hand to hold the ice cream cone, after you give it to him. When the turtle takes his hand off the egg, you may grab the egg. I hope I helped! :)