A really dumb rooster :-)
The Greek goddess Artemis was not male. Goddesses were female. If you are talking about Artemis Fowl from the book series, then yes, Artemis Fowl is male.
Ah, what a lovely question! A female fowl is called a hen. Hens are such gentle creatures, with their soft clucks and beautiful feathers. Remember, every living being is special and deserving of kindness.
A male junior could be called a young man.
a keet
a cria, or macho.
A young male horse is a 'Colt' and a young female horse is a 'Filly'
Fowl is a word for the entire group of those types of birds, the male is a peacock, and the female is a peahen, together they are peafowl.
rooster you actually call a mature male chicken a cock. rooster is just a common name for them. you call a young male chicken a cockerell
A group of guinea fowl are called a RASP.
A young single male is often referred to as a bachelor.