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Many young or baby animals do not have the same animal name as the adult animal. A young fowl is called a chick or cockerel.

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Q: What do you call a young male fowl?
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What is a young fowl called?

A really dumb rooster :-)

Is Artemis male?

The Greek goddess Artemis was not male. Goddesses were female. If you are talking about Artemis Fowl from the book series, then yes, Artemis Fowl is male.

What do you call a female fowl?

Ah, what a lovely question! A female fowl is called a hen. Hens are such gentle creatures, with their soft clucks and beautiful feathers. Remember, every living being is special and deserving of kindness.

What do you call male juniors?

A male junior could be called a young man.

What is the young a fowl?

a keet

What is a male fowl called?


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a cria, or macho.

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A young male horse is a 'Colt' and a young female horse is a 'Filly'

Why do they call it peafowl?

Fowl is a word for the entire group of those types of birds, the male is a peacock, and the female is a peahen, together they are peafowl.

What do you call a mature male chicken?

rooster you actually call a mature male chicken a cock. rooster is just a common name for them. you call a young male chicken a cockerell

What do you call a group of Fowl?

A group of guinea fowl are called a RASP.

What do you call a young single male man?

A young single male is often referred to as a bachelor.