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Q: What do you call a female Cockroach?
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Related questions

How do you know if the cockroach a female or male?

a male cockroach has an anal style while a female does not have it..

How does a cockroach male escort the female cockroach?

By putting her on his back and carrying her away

What do you call the shelter of cockroach?

The shell of a cockroach is called an exoskeleton. The skeleton is on the outside of its body to protect against predators.

How do a male cockroach escort the female cockroach?

Hi friend, I may not be to the point on your question but here are some interesting facts and details about cockroach that may try and answer your questions regarding cockroaches.

What do you call a cockroach nymph in Hindi?

A cockroach nymph in Hindi is called "टिड्डी का बच्चा" (Tiddi ka bachcha).

What is the external difference between male and female cockroach?

i think that one is big and one is small

What is collateral gland in cockroach?

Collateral Glsnds are present in between the 3rd and 4th abdomenal segments of FEMALE COCKROACH. These glands are concerned for the production of a secretion forming the egg-case of ootheca.

Do big cockroach lay eggs?

No. Only female cockroaches lay eggs. There is no male insect of any kind which lays the eggs. A female cockroach will lay anywhere between 10 and 40 eggs in a batch, and a total of around 30 batches of eggs during her lifetime.

What is the difference between male cockroach and female cockroach?

The difference between male and female cockroaches is tough to see unless you get up close to the roach. In the female cockroach, the seventh abdominal segment is divided in two, but it is not divided in the male cockroach.

Does a female cockroach have to be impregnated by a male?

Yes! but once impregnated the female is fertilized rest of her life. This basically means that cockroaches do not need to keep mating to get pregnant.

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What do you call a female prince

Can a female Madagascar hissing cockroach lay eggs without a male?

She does not lay eggs and she can not have nymphs without a male