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Q: What did the jarrow marchers eat?
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Did any people in the Jarrow Crusade get blisters ect.?

NO, the Jarrow Crusaders got injured when alien monkey heads searched all of Paris but couldn't find their space ship, so they attacted jarrow and injured the marchers by throwing bananas at their noses,

How did the jarrow crusade get back?

Donations were given to the marchers as they went through cities, including Leeds. This was to help them get home via train.

Where did the jarrow march start?

The Jarrow March, also known as the Jarrow Crusade, started in the town of Jarrow, which is located in northeast England. It began on October 5, 1936, and was a protest march organized by the Jarrow Borough Council against high unemployment and poverty in the town. The marchers aimed to raise awareness and lobby for government action to alleviate the dire economic conditions.

What did the Jarrow March hope to achieve?

The Jarrow March (or Jarrow Crusade, from the phrase on banners carried by the marchers), was an October 1936 protest march against unemployment and ... As unemployment increased so did the number of people living in extreme poverty. ... "The plain fact is that if people have to live and bear and bring up children.

What is the population of Jarrow?

The population of Jarrow is 27,526.

Was the jarrow crusade walk for was the jarrow crusade walk for?

it was for bananas

When was Jarrow Vikings created?

Jarrow Vikings was created in 2004.

When was Kyle Jarrow born?

Kyle Jarrow was born in 1979.

When was jarrow founded?

Monkwearmouth was founded in 674, and Jarrow was founded in 682.

When was Jarrow School created?

Jarrow School was created in 2003-01.

A group of 275 marchers in aparade need to form rows of 8 marchers the extra marchers lead the parade in 1 smaller row write the number of marchers in the first row?

275 marchers/8 marchers/row = 34 rows (of 8 marchers) + 1 row of 3 marchers or in math terms: 275/8 = 34 + 3/8 so, your final answer is that the first row has three marchers while the other 34 rows have 8 marchers. Hope this helps

When was Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey created?

Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey was created in 674.