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All animals in the invertebrate kingdom. This includes all insects.

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Animals without A spine are called invertebrates.

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invertebrates like: sponges, worms, and cnidarians

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Q: What creatures have a backbone?
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Do creatures have backbones?

The creatures with backbones are called vertebra. The creatures without backbone are called invertebrate.

What does scientists call creatures with a backbone?


What is another name for creatures with a backbone?


Features of invertebrates?

Invertebrates are creatures with no backbone. Instead they might have an exoskeleton.

What are mollusk found?

mollusk are creatures without a backbone invertebrates animals

Name 5 animals with a backbone and 5 without a backbone in Singapore?

Insects are the only creatures without backbones. The rest of the other animals in other animal classification all have a backbone.

What do you call creatures that have a backbone?

Animals that possess a backbone are known as vertebrates. This group includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Do tarantula's have a backbone?

No. They are invertebrates (no-backbone creatures) and they have an exoskeleton, which is an outer shell that is rigid enough to hold all the inner parts in their proper places. They have no bones.

What is an interverbrate?

An invertebrate is an animal that does not have a backbone or spinal column. They make up the vast majority of animal species on Earth and can include creatures like insects, worms, jellyfish, and mollusks.

What are the different kinds of invertebrateswhat pls. tell m da ans.?

Invertebrates are creatures that have no backbone. Creatures such as slugs, jellyfish, spiders, worms and most bugs and insects are the type of creatures that can survive without a spine. I am uncertain if there are some other types of sea creatures that are spineless, but most fish have bones.

Is a dolphins backbone a vertebrate?

Vertebra is another word for the type of bones that make up the back bone. A vertebrate is any creatures that has back bones.

What percentage of creatures on earth don't have a backbone?

Approximately 95% of the creatures on Earth do not have a backbone, so they are classified as invertebrates. These include animals such as insects, worms, mollusks, and arachnids. Only around 5% of Earth's creatures are vertebrates with a backbone.