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Q: What common tools do marine biologists use?
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What types of tools do marine biologists use besides scuba gear?

they use microscopes- for small organism that can't be seen with the naked eye

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Biologists use chizels.

What characteristics could marine biologists use to classify manatees?

coloring and size

How is Marine Biology technological?

marine biology is technological because marine biologists use technology in their everyday job to help with their work for instance they use submarines and telescopes and computers all of this is technological use.

What kind of mathematical tools do biologists usually use?

Hypothesis and significance testing

Sentence using the word hydrophone?

Marine biologists use hydrophones to record underwater sounds.

Tool marine biologist use?

they use all kinds of tools they use all kinds of tools bib marly

Can a Marine Biologist have time for other hobbies or own a business?

Maybe, since Marine Biologists have to make fundraisers to pay for their research. The buisness could be what they use for fundraisers.

Do marine biologists need any special licenses?

Most use diving license, but no other major licenses are needed.

What types of technology are used in ocean research?

oceanographers use equipment such as sonar, satellites, and radar to map the ocean floor. marine biologists use scuba equipment, submarines, R.O.V.'s, and various other dissection tools to study and understand organisms that live in the ocean.