It is in the category Flavivirus, the same one as the Yellow Fever Virus belongs to.
In what category does novella belong in?
Virus's do not belong to a Kingdom.
they belong to the category ACID
Questions that can be categorized belong in the closest category for that subject. Other questions are harder to categorize and are in Miscellaneous until they are assigned a category.
Questions that can be categorized belong in the closest category for that subject. Other questions are harder to categorize and are in Miscellaneous until they are assigned a category.
Questions that can be categorized belong in the closest category for that subject. Other questions are harder to categorize and are in Miscellaneous until they are assigned a category.
Nicotine is in the category of stimulant compounds.
Spoonerisms belong to the category of wordplay or linguistic phenomena, characterized by the swapping of the initial sounds of two words in a phrase to create a comical or nonsensical result.
I think personification belongs in the metaphor category