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It depends....................................





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Q: What came first question or the answer?
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This is basically the same question as which came first, the Chicken or the Egg. Its argumentative.

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what came first the chicken or the egg?

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What do you mean by this? first, before what? you should improve the question.

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Let me answer this with a question. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I think that the chicken came first and their had to be 1 or the other that came first or there wouldn't be a chicken nor an egg so i think your hypososis about that is wrong?

I will clear up the question:"What came first, the chicken or the egg?"You are correct, the chicken came first.

If the first man came second and the second man came third who came first?

The last man would end up being first. Assuming that there were only three persons. However as a common logic question the answer is unknown as there is not enough information to answer the question. (ie there could be 100 men and any of them could have come in first.

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idkk the answer to that question that is why i came to this website to ask the question so that you people could answer the question for me!!! idkk the answer to that question that is why i came to this website to ask the question so that you people could answer the question for me!!! yea!!!!

Who thought of the question what came first the chicken or the egg?

Adam alsharon

Who was the first ancient Roman emperor not born on the Italian Peninsula?

The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.The first Roman emperor that we definitely know was not nobility was Vespasian. However, there's a possibility that Vitellius who came before him, was the first, as there is a question about his ancestry.

Which came first the airplane or steamboat?

The steamboat, in 1803, came first before the airplane in 1903. I came across this question looking for the answer to one of my homework questions, so I looked them up one by one to help me and you.

Who is first the chicken or the egg?

It is a philosophical question without a definitive answer. Some believe the egg came first, as mutations in the reproductive cells of an earlier species led to the first chicken egg. Others argue that the first chicken must have hatched from an egg, so the egg came first.

What was the first game for kinnect?

Good question, Kinect Adventures was the first game. When you bought the Kinect sensor the game came with it.