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Um, termites decompose wood, flies decompose dead animals and waste, and worms decompose waste and turn it into dirt

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Q: What bugs help decompose stuff?
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What bugs decompose?

They decompose all dead animals.

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because they decompose stuff,

Is ants a decomposers?

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What are facts about pill bugs?

1. Pill bugs breathe with gills so they need to live in areas with high humidity or in wet places 2. Pill Bugs help decompose organic material faster 3. Sick pill bugs turn bright blue 4. pill bugs blood is blue because the hemoeyanin has copper ions 5. Pill bugs are NOT insects they are Isopods

Why are pill bugs and sow bugs important?

The are part of the food chain. You probably don't eat pill bugs and sow bugs, but you eat stuff that eats the pill bugs and sow bugs.

How do mushrooms decompose?

Mushrooms decompose through the action of enzymes and microorganisms. These organisms break down the complex organic compounds in the mushroom into simpler substances that can be absorbed by other organisms or returned to the soil. Mushrooms play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and decomposition in ecosystems.