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The northern MockingBird

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Q: What bird bears the scientific name mimus polygottos?
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What is the scientific name of Arkansas state bird?

The scientific name of the Arkansas state bird, the Northern Mockingbird, is Mimus polyglottos.

What is Mississippi's state birds?

The state bird is the Mockingbird and the state waterfowl is the Wood Duck.

Scientific name for mocking bird?

The mockingbird is Mimus Polyglottos.

What is the scientific name of your state bird?

The northern mockingbird is the state bird of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. The bird's scientific name is Mimus polyglottos.

What is scientific name of the state of Florida bird?

The scientific name of the state bird of Florida is "Turdus migratorius", commonly known as the American Robin.

What is the scientific name of missouri's state bird?

Tennessee has two state birds:Mockingbird (Scientific name: Mimus polyglottos)Bobwhite Quail (Scientific name: Colinus virginianus)

What is the state brid of Florida?

The mockingbird (mimus polyglottos) is the state bird of Florida.

What is Texas' state bird and when was it excepted?

Texas' state bird is the northern mockingbird, mimus polyglottos, and it was accepted in 1927.

What is the mississppi state bird?

The Mississippi state bird is the northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). It was designated as the state bird in 1944 due to its prevalence and diverse vocal abilities.

What is the name of Texas state bird?

The State Bird is the Northern Mockingbird and the State Flower is the Bluebonnet.

What is texes state bird?

The state bird of Texas is the Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). It was designated the state bird in 1927 for its widespread presence and its ability to mimic the songs of other birds.

Where does the name for the bird mockingbird come from?

A member of the mimic thrush family, the mockingbird, Mimus Polyglottos, has the unique ability to mimic the songs of other species, and is an excellent songster.