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what benfit do animals derive from having a coelm

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Q: What benefit do animals derive from having a coelom?
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Having a true coelom distinquishes cnidarians from sponges?

That is not accurate. Cnidarians actually have a simple coelom called a gastrovascular cavity, which functions in digestion and circulation. Sponges, on the other hand, lack a true coelom and instead have a porous body filled with channels for water circulation.

In phylum nemathelminthes give the advantages of having a body cavity in animals?

There are several advantages to having a coelom, or body cavity. The organs are enclosed, there is independent movement of the body wall, there is more space for organs, and there is a storage area for sperm and eggs. It also has fluids that protect organs and provide nutrients.

Why is the evolution of a coelom significant in the complexity of animals?

The evolution of a coelom (body cavity) allowed for the development of more complex organ systems in animals. It provided protection for internal organs, allowed for greater mobility, and facilitated more efficient circulation of nutrients and waste within the body. Overall, the presence of a coelom played a key role in the diversification and evolution of multicellular organisms.

Animals with a body cavity lined with tissue from the mesoderm are?

Animals with a body cavity lined with tissue from the mesoderm are known as coelomates. This type of body plan is found in more complex animals such as annelids, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms, and chordates. Having a coelom allows for more complex organ systems and better body movement.

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The host cell does not benefit from having a virus. The virus usually kills it.

Why would having poisonous leaves bark and seeds be of benefit to a sandbox tree?

It discourages herbaceous animals from eating them. Plants don't like getting eaten you know.

Does the development of a true coelom between the ectoderm and the mesoderm represents a true evolutionary advance over the pseudocoelomate body plan?

The development of a true coelom represents an evolutionary advance because it provides more space for organ development and movement, leading to greater complexity and specialization in body functions. Having a true coelom also allows for better cushioning and protection of internal organs.

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a benefit of being a zoologist is having paid vacation

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you can benefit by the country having not many limits and having them face your problems fro ur country