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Roadrunners are omnivores, so anything that moves attracts them.

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Q: What attracts Roadrunners?
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Are lizard preys of the roadrunners?

Yes, lizard are prey of roadrunners.

When did Montreal Roadrunners end?

Montreal Roadrunners ended in 1997.

When was Montreal Roadrunners created?

Montreal Roadrunners was created in 1994.

When was Toronto Roadrunners created?

Toronto Roadrunners was created in 2003.

When did Toronto Roadrunners end?

Toronto Roadrunners ended in 2004.

When did Phoenix RoadRunners end?

Phoenix RoadRunners ended in 2009.

When was Phoenix RoadRunners created?

Phoenix RoadRunners was created in 2005.

Why can't roadrunners fly?

roadrunners do fly, they can only maintain their altitude for less than a minute, roadrunners are not built to fly hours

What do roadrunners live in?

Roadrunners live in the southwestern United States. The desert.

Do roadrunners live in Florida?

No. The roadrunners are found in the Southwestern U.S and Mexico.

How do you spell roadrunners?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "roadrunners" (desert birds).

When was Phoenix Roadrunners - WHA - created?

Phoenix Roadrunners - WHA - was created in 1967.