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Zoo's, Aquarium, Labs, animal testing, animal shelters....

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Q: What are the places where you can observe live animals?
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Where do the animals cheeters live?

they live in places

What animals live in rural places?

Farm animals and wildlife.

Where do most Florida animals live in?

Most Florida animals live in swampy and grassy places.

What are other animals that live in cold places?


Do caves only have nocturnal animals?

No, there can be nocturnal animals that live in other places too.

How can a different animals Live in a variety of places in the world?


What type of animals live in the Caribbean?

tigers and cheaters because they live in hot places

Were do they mostly live?

Animals live on nearly every part of the Earth. Most animals choose to live in places with a lot of water and trees.

How are animals adapted to live in hot and dry places?

Animals adapted to live in hot and dry places in various ways. Most of these animals only come out very early in the morning and late at night to go in search for food and water.

Why the animals and the plants live in specific places?

Because they have to live in the right tempeture. If not, then it will die. It has to be SPECIFIC.

Why can animals live in the cold places?

They can because their fur or feathers protect them

How do animals know where to live?

They look around for places they think is suitable for them.