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Some bipdeal dinosaurs from the Cretaceous with names beginning in "A" include:





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Q: What are the names of bipedal dinosaurs in the cretaceous era beginning with a?
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What names of bipedal dinosaurs begin with v?

This most likely describes velociraptor.

Dinosaurs lived 230million years ago during the era called?

There were many names; the Cretaceous, Triassic, Jurassic, etc.

Names of dinosaurs that survived extinction?

No dinosaur species survived the mass extinction event that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period about 66 million years ago. However, birds are considered descendants of theropod dinosaurs and are the only living group of dinosaurs today.

Are there any dinosaurs that have names beginning with the letter J?

Yes, there was a dinosaur that's name began with the letter j. The name of the dinosaur was, Jainosaurus.

The names of the dinosaurs?

Sinornithosurus was one of them.

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What language is the basis for most of the names of the time periods such as Hadean or Cretaceous?

i have no clue

Are there special names for the times the dinosaurs were around?

Yes. The time which included the dinosaurs is known as the "Mesozoic Era," which means "the time of Middle Life," distinguishing it from the "Paleozoic" or Ancient Life and the "Cenozoic" or Recent Life, which is the Era in which we live. The Mesozoic has three Periods, called the Triassic, the Jurassic and the Cretaceous. During the first, the Triassic, dinosaurs were mostly small and were in tight competition with the ancestors of the mammals. By the Jurassic, the dinosaurs had "won" and grown in some cases huge (there are always smaller versions) while the mammals were forced into the margins and remained tiny.

What are the dinosaurs names?

There are hundreds of known dinosaur genera and even more individual species. However, here are the names of a few of the major groups, and an example of each: Saurischia Theropoda (bipedal carnivores; T-rex) Sauropodamorpha (long necked, generally large, plant eating dinosaurs; Apatosaurus) Ornithischia Neornithischia Ornithopoda (small, bipedal plant eaters, and also large, common plant eaters without armor or horns; Edmontosaurus) Ceratopsia (horned herbivores [ceratopsians]; Triceratops) Pachycephalosauria (armored-headed bipeds [pachycephalosaurs]; Pachycephalosaurus) Thyreophora Ankylosauria (armor covered herbivores; Ankylosaurus) Stegosauria (herbivores with bony plates sticking vertically upward from thei backs; Stegosaurus)

How dinosaurs get their names?

The paleontologists who found them named them.

What are the names of meat eating dinosaurs?


What are names of meat eaters dinosaurs?
