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DDT is a pesticide that was used in the past to control insects and to prevent them from damaging crops. The problem with DDT is that it accumulates in the environment and remains in the muscles of animals and fish. When birds consume too much DDT, such as by eating fish, they are unable to make hard shells on their eggs, resulting in very few new babies being born in certain bird populations, such as pelicans.

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In animals, long-term exposure to DDT can cause death or severe birth defects..

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Q: What are the effects of DDT with animals?
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Why has Canada banned DDT but other countries have not?

The use of the pesticide DDT concerns Canadians because it is quite poisonous. The chemical can have many detrimental effects on humans and animals.

What were some pesticides such as DDT removed from public use?

These pesticides have toxic effects on humans beings and other animals.

Why might people who understand DDT disagree to DDT?

People who understand DDT may disagree with its use due to environmental concerns. DDT is a persistent organic pollutant that accumulates in the environment and can harm non-target species, including humans. Alternatives that are less harmful to the environment and human health are available for pest control.

It is right for us to use pesticides such as ddt at all and why?

DDT is toxic for humans and animals.

What are the effects of DDT?

DDT can make egg shells so thin that birds can't hatch their young.

Why was there concern about the use of ddt?

DDT is toxic for many animals and is very slowly degraded in the nature.

What was three ways DDT was beneficial to farming?

DDT destroy insects but is toxic for humans and animals.

Why did the US to stop using DDT?

The United States stopped using DDT primarily due to its harmful effects on the environment and human health. It was found to have persistent toxic effects on wildlife, to bioaccumulate in the food chain, and to have potential carcinogenic properties. These concerns prompted the US to ban the use of DDT in agriculture in 1972.

Why was DDT banned in the US?

DDT was banned in the US in 1972 due to its harmful effects on the environment and wildlife. It was found to bioaccumulate in the food chain, causing harm to birds, fish, and other animals. Additionally, DDT was linked to potential human health risks, such as cancer and reproductive issues.

Why do the eagles and hawks show the effects of DDT?


What effects did DDT have on the wildlife?

DDT or dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane is a pesticide that causes toxicological and environmental problems. It is harmful to certain varieties of birds, and freshwater and marine animals. It also can have a harmful impact on human health.

What does DDT stand for?

On 1972 DDT stands for Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethanedichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, it is an insecticide that is toxic to people and animals.