The dangers of swimming can be things such as drowning, being attacked by a carnivorous sea creature, or getting hypothermia. I can not name any more
darngers is an adjective in the context such as "there are many dangers of swimming at your local beach" but dangerous is and adverb like"lets do dangerous stuff" ,it also says in the dictionary next to the word what part of speech it is
there isn't anything to be foreshadowing.
the blue lagoon is very hot, and can burn the skin, my brother got bad burns from swimming in it the blue lagoon is very hot, and can burn the skin, my brother got bad burns from swimming in it
Swimming under a waterfall can be dangerous due to strong currents, underwater debris, and the risk of being pushed against rocks or getting trapped under the falling water. This can lead to injuries, drowning, or even death. It is important to exercise caution and be aware of the potential risks when swimming in such environments.
There are no dangers!!
some of them dangers
Encountering Thai jellyfish while swimming in the ocean can be dangerous due to their venomous stings, which can cause pain, skin irritation, and in severe cases, allergic reactions or even death. It is important to be cautious and avoid contact with jellyfish to prevent any potential harm.
Dangers could potentially be fires
What are the dangers in the rockie mountains?
what are the dangers of running away
the dangers in denmark are ki guage
the tundra biome dangers