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Before knowing the advantages of extensive farming one has to know what it means. Extensive farming is using small inputs of fertilizer, labor and capital relative to the amount of land being farmed. Most of this type of farming is called "ranching." It is not a money-making or lucrative type of farming by any means (no type of farming is, no matter if it's extensive or intensive), but some advantages of this type of farming is being able to make use of native rangeland to raise livestock on. This type of ranching or "farming" denotes the use of cattle with little labour, no fertilizer and little capital to raise them. Other advantages include saving money because of the lower inputs required in comparison with intensive farming, and being able to spend time and energy on other things (and no need to hire additional labour) besides farming due to the lower labour requirements.

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In busines&finance it provide foreing currency hence increaseases national economy due to sellng of various crops within and out side the country,(2)in farm animal it can provide them food such as cereals by product like sunflower seedcake,maize bran(in animal life it can be used as pasture and source of water as this kind of farming is prictised along/nearby water sources.

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Q: What are the advantages of Arable Farming?
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Arable farming refers to the exclusive use of farmland for the growth of crops. Arable farms produce only crops and don't raise animals for production. Arable land usually has a nearby water source and an adequate temperature.

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